Landscape Painting in Pastel - Winter Mood with Liz Haywood-Sullivan - DVD
Follow along with this video demonstration to paint a wintery, blustery day in the mountains with light layers of pastel on black paper. Using black paper allows for delicate line-work that will help you control the value of the pastel on this dark surface.
Liz shows you how fun this can be! She starts with a review of composition, then shows you how to choose a variety of "whites" to indicate distance and closer snowy objects. As you build the painting from light layers to heavier textures, you'll lean lessons for how to paint trees and grasses using positive and negative painting techniques, and how to add the final details of falling, blowing snow that sets the wonderful mood of this painting!
Liz shows you how fun this can be! She starts with a review of composition, then shows you how to choose a variety of "whites" to indicate distance and closer snowy objects. As you build the painting from light layers to heavier textures, you'll lean lessons for how to paint trees and grasses using positive and negative painting techniques, and how to add the final details of falling, blowing snow that sets the wonderful mood of this painting!
About Liz Haywood-Sullivan
Liz is an award winning pastel artist, author, judge, and instructor. In 2013, she became the President of the International Association of Pastel Societies. She is a Master Pastelist with the Pastel Society of America and has her IAPS Master's Circle. Her paintings can be seen in private, corporate, and museum collections worldwide.
- Running Time: 86 Minutes