Teaching Art Videos
Acrylics The Watercolor Alternative with Charles Harrington - DVD
Acrylics The Watercolor Alternative with Charles Harrington - DVD Watch acrylic painting techniques come alive in this exciting landscape painting DVD workshop from Charles Harrington. Using a brush and misting bottle, Charles works with...
MSRP: $29.99$15.00 -
Interweave Press, LLC
add to, undo, & redo Stress free Collage Techniques with Jenny Cochran Lee - DVD
add to, undo, & redo: Stress-free Collage Techniques with Jenny Cochran Lee - DVD Cloth Paper Scissors Workshop Embrace imperfection in collage with Jenny Cochran Lee! Make a mistake? Perfect. Jenny Cochran Lee...
MSRP: $19.99$14.95 -
F+W Media
Advanced Double Knitting: Learn Shaping, Texture, & More with Heather Zoppetti - DVD
Advanced Double Knitting: Learn Shaping, Texture, & More with Heather Zoppetti - DVD Join author, designer, and instructor Heather Zoppetti as she simplifies the steps to enhance your double knitting projects. This 40 minute video...
MSRP: $19.99$12.99 -
Interweave Press, LLC
Advanced Mokume Gane Twisting, Carving, Hammering Create Metal Patterns Chris Ploof - DVD
Advanced Mokumé Gané: Create More Metal Patterns with Chris Ploof - DVD Get a look into the creative and expressive art of mokumé gané patterning as you join expert metalsmith Chris Ploof for this instructional...
MSRP: $39.99$34.99 -
Interweave Press, LLC
All About Faces with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer - DVD
All About Faces How to Draw Paint Stencil and Collage Faces in Mixed-Media Art With Julie Fei-Fan Balzer - DVD Explore some of the many easy ways to incorporate a face into your artwork. Mixed-media artist Julie Fei-Fan Balzer will take you...
$19.99 -
North Light Media
Alternative Art Cards with Margaret Peot - DVD
Alternative Art Cards with Margaret Peot - DVD Margaret Peot guides you through complete step-by-step art journaling techniques & projects in this exciting video workshop. Instantly access more than 100 minutes of professional art...
MSRP: $29.99$19.99 -
North Light Media
Alternative Art Journals with Margaret Peot - DVD
Alternative Art Journals with Margaret Peot - DVD In this workshop, Margaret Peot introduces you to three clever alternatives to traditional art journals that allow you to get in touch with your creative self and work through your artistic ideas...
$29.99 -
North Light Media
Amazing Pages - Art Journals with Kass Hall and Kristy Conlin - DVD
Amazing Pages - Art Journals with Kass Hall and Kristy Conlin - DVD Take your art journals from good to amazing with this video workshop geared to help your find your personal style.Kass Hall and Kristy Conlin will open your eyes to a fun...
$26.99 -
Interweave Press, LLC
Andean Knitting Peru Inspired with Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez - DVD
Andean Knitting with Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez - DVD Experience the rich traditions of Andean knitting with the Andean Knitting DVD featuring Nilda Callañaupa Alvarez! Step into the captivating world of Andean knitting as Nilda Callañaupa...
$24.95 -
Interweave Press, LLC
Andean Spinning with Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez - DVD
Andean Spinning with Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez - DVD Discover a new world of Andean spinning with Nilda Callañaupa Alveraz! Learn everything you need to know about Andean spinning in this spinning workshop video. Learn how to spin in a...
$29.99 -
Sew Beautiful
Antique Sewing Techniques I with Martha Pullen - DVD
Antique Sewing Techniques I with Martha Pullen - DVD Martha Pullen loves antique white clothes from the Victorian and Edwardian eras. She and Joe have traveled, from flea markets all over the world to fancy antique stores, collecting "white...
$24.95 -
Interweave Press, LLC
Apparel Sewing Basics with Liesl Gibson - DVD
Apparel Sewing Basics with Liesl Gibson - DVD Join Liesl Gibson, founder and chief designer for Oliver + S contemporary sewing patterns and fabric for children's clothing and Lisette sewing patterns and fabric, in her Brooklyn studio as she shows...
MSRP: $24.99$15.99